Normal Is Overrated

You’ve probably heard it said before, “Normal is just a setting on the washing machine.”

People are unique, like snowflakes (I don’t mean the overly-sensitive social justice warriors that are easily offended by everything said or done around them), in that there are no two exactly alike.

Be Authentic. Be Different. Be you.

I would much rather hear your ideas than what you think of the ideas of someone else.

I would much rather see your photos, the ones only you can take, than to see the same photos shared by thousands of people.

I would much rather read something original, something written by you, than read a post that you have copied and pasted.

Be original.

Be yourself.

Be you.

Quit trying to be the majority.

Embrace your differentness.

Stop trying to be everyone else.

You are the only you we have. And, you are only here for a short time.

Let us see and hear the real you.

Have fun.

Flex those creative muscles.

Be authentic.

Desire to be you.

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