Taking Pictures Should Make You Happy

First, and foremost, you should only take pictures of things that make you smile. Why would you want to photograph anything else for your personal archives? If you love your dog, take lots of pictures of them. If you love your family, snap away until you reach “please get that camera out of my face status.” If you love sunsets, waterfalls, street photography, or anything else that inspires, motivates and encourages you, keep that shutter clicking.

Photography is a tool, a means, that helps you to see, enjoy, appreciate, and capture beauty in the everyday and mundane. In reality, there is nothing in this world mundane. Think about it, we are on a water-covered rock rotating 800 miles an hour, circling a giant star, hurling through a vast universe. Or, taking things down a bit smaller, looking at things on a microscopic level. The “every day” is pretty amazing, if you ask me.

Leave your inner critic at home. Don’t take your images too seriously. Learn to be playful with your shots. After all, you are photographing for you, and you are only here for a little while, so make sure you’re enjoying it.

Second Hand Lions

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